
Monday, 16 January 2012

Haplogroup N in Scotland

The Scottish DNA Project now has over 3900 participants. Recent members to join include a Galbraith (Berwickshire) and a McLelland (Kirkcudbright) who belong to Haplogroup N which is extremely rare in Scotland and has origins in Northern Europe and Siberia. The ancestors of these individuals may have arrived in Scotland through Norse incursions although it's possible there was another migration route taken.

The link below only shows results for 500 participants. Insert 4000 into the default page size at the top of the page and refresh the page (give the page time to reload).

Scottish DNA Project now on Google+

The Scottish DNA Project now has a profile on Google+. The platform is increasingly used as a tool for genealogical networking, although the change in the way Google ranks pages is also an important factor in now having a presence. Just search for Scottish DNA and include the project in your Circles.